2019年12月19日 星期四

Yoga in me by LynnC_療癒瑜伽

文稿與影片人物(script &model):LynnC 周韶薐 療癒瑜伽作者 author of Healing Yoga Lavender Wellness Yoga&Pilates教育總監 (美國瑜伽聯盟認證校,編號275644) 美國瑜伽聯盟認證E-RYT 200hours 指導師 加拿大Stott 彼拉提斯認證教師 康健雜誌專欄作家 臉書粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/lynncwellness/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/lynnzieyogi... 影片拍攝 (photographer):布萊爾專業錄影工作室 網站:https://blairsfilm.com/ 臉書粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/blaisfilm/ 髮妝:馮小曼 臉書粉絲團:曼 Make Up& Bridal Stylist ------------------------------------------------------------------- 很多人問我,瑜伽是什麼。 Lots of people have asked me, “what is yoga all about?”. 我總是會反問著他們,我們在討論的是瑜『珈』還是瑜『伽』? I always ask them, which aspect of yoga are we talking about? 對我而言,墊子上的練習,是種幫助我們墊子外,能夠更正念活在當下的工具。For me, yoga practice on the mat is one of the tools that helps us to live in a mindful state. 在墊子裡頭,不競爭,不好勝。While we are practicing, focus on staying peaceful and be less competitive. 專注在自己的呼吸,由裡而外地去觀照自己的身體。Concentrate on your own breathing, scan yourself in a wholistic way from body to mind. 保持感恩的心情,身體能夠保持著一個最佳狀況,完成今日的練習。Always show gratitude, respect, and listen to your body to complete your daily practice. 離開墊子上,才是真正練習的開始。Real practice often begins when we are off the yoga mat as this is when we put our learning into real life scenarios. 它教會了我,起床時,從容地好好享受我的第一杯咖啡 。It teaches me how to enjoy my morning cup of coffee leisurely when I just wake up. 在這科技綁架的世代裡,我還能專心的寫作創作,享受文字裡頭的一字一句。In this Black Mirror era, I can still concentrate on my writing and enjoy it. 匆忙的都市叢林內,依然能夠自在地做自己。 I can still enjoy my own peaceful life pace in such a frantic environment. 榮格(Jung)曾經說過:『與其做好人,我寧願想一個完整的人。』 Carl Jung is reported to have said - "I would rather be whole than good". 所有的呈現都是你。 Everything is a part of you. 要成為一個完整的人,就是要接受各面向的自己。 We have to accept the multiple aspects of ourselves. 這就是我們在尋找的陰陽平衡。 It’s the Ying and Yang we have been searching for. 每個人都會有光明以及黑暗的一面。 Everyone has their own light and darkness. 好的你,壞的你,平靜的你,頑皮的你,樂觀的你,憤怒悲傷的你,這些都是全部的你。It doesn’t matter if it’s good, bad, peaceful, naughty, positive, or even the darker sides of yourself. Every little different piece builds who you are. 我們在每種面向裡,找到那最平衡的自己,是件一輩子的功課。Finding the balance within the different sides of ourselves is a lifetime of work. 所以,你問我瑜伽是什麼? So, if you ask me what is yoga all about? 對自己很出世,對世界很入世。 Stay peaceful and stay grounded to live in this chaotic world. 保持著一顆開放不批判的心與視野,來面對生活中的大小事。 Stay opened-minded and non-judgmental in all aspects of life. 瑜珈最終的本質,就是對生活中人事物的平衡練習。 The truth of yoga is the balance in your life.

