2019年4月7日 星期日

LW 週五微沙龍四月主題: 歷史上的女性瑜珈行者(bilingual class)


|地點|Lavender Wellness ॐYoga&Pilatesॐ 瑜伽x彼拉提斯
新北市永和區中和路343號14樓 (捷運永安市場站步行五分鐘)

非教室學生800元 (雙語課程,現場有翻譯老師)




她們不僅是詩人,也是生命的瑜珈行者。 儘管出身在父權至上、種姓制度壓迫





The women Yogis of India managed to raise themselves to the highest spiritual level by sheer determination and faith in spite of religious bigotry, patriarchal authoritarianism and caste system.

In this evening talk, we will scan a 300-year time line of medieval India and profile the lives, challenges and wisdom of 3 prominent women Yogis. With a brief look at their writings we will understand their struggles, their resilience and the profundity of their wisdom.

Women Yogis have played a role of silent revolutionaries in shaping the spiritual and cultural fabric of India. They may not have got their dues in popularity but their contribution to the value system of India cannot be denied.

Join us to get a peek into the lives and works of these incredible women with a hope to get inspired on our own personal paths.

|Host|帕薩德.蘭德奈克(Prasad Rangnekar)
臉書:Prasad Rangnekar
Youtube: Yogaprasad Institute

帕薩德 Prasad來自印度孟買。從九歲起便開始在傳統哈達瑜珈學校學習,並從小在母親的教導下,唱誦研讀「薄伽梵歌」以及瑜伽傳統典籍。精通梵文,並熱愛閱讀古籍和寫作,曾為全球性雜誌「Elephant Journal」撰寫文章,其作品也即將出版。


帕薩德也是瑜伽聯盟(Yoga Alliance)認證的E-RYT 500導師,教授瑜伽老師認證課程,並成立「瑜伽帕薩德機構(Yogaprasad Institute)」,多年來,已經全球培養出上百位瑜伽老師。

Prasad Rangnekar is from Mumbai, India and has been practicing Yoga since last 30 years and teaching since last 22 years in over 15 countries. Prasad is certified as E-RYT 500 and accredited to Yoga Alliance – USA. He teaches Yoga as a tool of self-transformation to make life more efficient, peaceful and happy.

Yoga is for all and through Prasad’s dynamic, clear and humorous teaching style, the nuances of Yoga become easily accessible.

Over the years Prasad has been invited to conduct workshops, retreats, employee development programs and deliver key-note addresses at various Yoga schools and prestigious organisations like the European Commission, Indian Cultural Center – Thailand, Google, Procter & Gamble, Steiner School-Norway, Israeli Yoga Teacher’s Association and various Indian High Commission around the world. Prasad is also an avid writer writing for the Elephant Journal and is in process of publishing his first book soon. For more details please visit, www.yogaprasad.in

1. 臨櫃付款:教室學生們可前往上課時在櫃檯繳費。
2. 轉帳付款:請將課程費用轉至以下帳號


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